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Interested in a Cosmetic Treatment? Try IPL!

Having fun in the sun is always a blast, but when the damage starts to appear along your face, neck, and body, it can become a problem. Trying to soften and fade issues such as broken capillaries, rosacea, brown spots, melasma, and acne scarring can become a challenge. That’s why we have IPL cosmetic treatment in the skin care industry. It’s an amazing beauty technology that uses quick and powerful intense pulsed light to improve your facial imperfections without any downtime.

Light Technology

Your aesthetic technician will apply a cooling topical gel, and the IPL device will be pressed to the areas of your face being targeted. The intense light heats up collagen beneath the skin. This is a very good thing as the technique encourages more fresh collagen production for adding firmness and structure to the skin. Collagen also reduces fine lines and improves the skin tone.

When targeting brown spots, the technology is incredible. For instance, the powerful heat emitted from the IPL device zeroes in on the brown spot and begins breaking down the pigment into tiny particles. These broken particles are then carried away by the body’s lymphatic system.

A Tailored Treatment Plan

Your aesthetic technician will help you determine your personal goals and how many IPL treatments you may need. Sometimes, just one session produces effective results. Most skin care experts recommend a small series of sessions spaced one month apart and with maintenance visits twice a year. Post-treatment is simple; stay out of the sun after each treatment. Always put on a good sunscreen, too. IPL is quite a versatile cosmetic procedure and can be performed anywhere on the body. It offers long-lasting and excellent improvements in skin quality and texture.

Get In Touch with Us for More Information

General aging and sun damage happens to all of us, and yes, even supermodels develop these common imperfections. You have a lot of cosmetic choices available these days, but maybe lasers aren’t your thing. If you’re looking for a versatile performer, IPL may be just what you need. For more information, feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Zormeier Cosmetic Surgery & Longevity Center. At our offices in Shelbyville, Danville, Noblesville, and Healdburg, we take great pride in our friendly team of skilled aesthetic experts. They are well-versed in all high-tech skin care treatments. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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