We are pleased to offer you the latest in aesthetic rejuvenation. MyEllevate, is a minimally invasive jawline and neck rejuvenation procedure. The MyEllevate procedure is a solution to address the muscles and glands of the neck. This procedure offers support to the shape of the neck and it also offers contouring underneath the skin. It’s a great adjunct to the FaceTite Skin Tightening and Liposuction Fat reduction for the neck. The combined MyEllevate and FaceTite/Liposuction Procedures are fast becoming known as the Zoom Lift.
What is MyEllevate and how does it work?
This procedure supports the glands and the muscles underneath the skin of the neck. Using a sterile suture system placed underneath the skin to support and refine the neck and jawline area, we are able to offer patients a solution that creates a defined and youthful lower face and jawline. We recommend this procedure as a complimentary procedure to the FaceTite facial contouring technology and liposuction fat removal. This is a minimally invasive procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia in about one hour in the office with minimal downtime. This procedure offers a support system to sculpt and refine the neck.
How is the MyEllevate technique different to a thread lift procedure?
This procedure is different than the thread lift for many reasons. The most important reason is its long lasting results. The suture material used to support the jawline is a permanent braided polyester suture that we place a little deeper and right over the muscle and beneath the skin. We can be more accurate in its placement and with the permanent suture material we can offer long lasting results. The structure in the MyEllevate system is also much different. It’s a continuous loop placed underneath the jawline area to create support and offer long term results. It is also non-absorbable and it is permanent.
How long do the results of the MyEllevate procedure last?
You can anticipate long lasting results for about five to seven plus years.
Who is the ideal candidate for the MyEllevate procedure?
The ideal candidate for this procedure is a patient hesitant about invasive surgery in the traditional sense, with minimal skin laxity and a jawline at the early signs of aging. Patients with a side profile with the look of a ski slope are also ideal for this procedure. Patients with prominent glands underneath the neckline, often genetically, are good candidates as well. Even patients who want the benefits from skin tightening procedures may also be candidates for this procedure. This is the only procedure that is percutaneous and addresses these problem areas.
Does MyEllevate improve the jawline?
Yes. The suture system offered within this procedure is designed to extend from behind the ear and underneath the chin and jawline to ultimately support and shape the neck and suspend the glands. With this suture system we can accurately shape the neck and jawline. We have many happy patients since the introduction of this new procedure. Patients love their new defined jawline.
Can MyEllevate improve the back of the jawline and give definition like the models?
With this procedure, we can offer support to the glands and muscles of the neck. With procedures such a liposuction and Kybella alone, we are missing the needed support we can now offer with the MyEllevate suture support system. This procedure works by passing right over the areas of the jawline and neck where contouring and support are needed to offer support. We can’t all look like those models in the magazines, but we can all benefit from a defined jawline and enjoy a more youthful look.
How long does MyEllevate take and what is the downtime?
This procedure is great because it was designed for an in-office setting and it only takes about an hour to perform. The results are immediate and permanent. When performed on a Thursday or Friday, patients can return to work Monday. Patients leave the office wearing a chin strap and a cervical collar. When patients return the next day for their post-operative check-up, they are amazed at their results. Most patients experience little bruising and swelling and actually could return to work the next day with minimal signs of a procedure. We recommend no heavy lifting or heavy workouts at the gym as normal with most procedures. With no stiches or incisions, there is little after care. Patients can shower the next day if they feel steady and should not return to the gym for a week or two to minimize swelling.
Real Patient Results
Does MyEllevate™ require general anesthesia?
This procedure is done under local anesthesia with a twilight sleep. Nitrous can also be used to make the procedure more confortable for the patient.
How does MyEllevate compare to surgical neck procedures?
Although not entirely the same, previous invasive techniques such as the open corset platysmaplasty do have its place combined with a neck lift or a facelift for the older patients looking for a well-defined neck but not without the disadvantages of the extensive cost and downtime associated with such procedures of the past. Patients today want minimally invasive procedures that offer less risks and minimal downtime. This procedure is especially attractive to many because it is minimally invasive and the results last a long time.
How do patients feel after an MyEllevate™ procedure?
Most patients feel great after a few weeks. Swelling and bruising should dissipate within the first week. Patients feel tightness where the suture strands were placed when they look down as the maximal supporting and shaping underneath the jawline occur. Some patients feel pressure behind each ear. This too is normal healing. This pulling sensation is pretty much gone by week two to three. It has been reported that when patient were evaluated at one, two and even six years later, patients still experienced the benefits of the supporting, refining, and shaping this procedure created.
What other types of procedures or technology does MyEllevate complement?
The best is the FaceTite technology by InMode. InMode also offers BodyTite too. Both applications use radiofrequency that is focused and precise. It’s a great add on technology for skin tightening. The FaceTite add on significantly tightens the skin without any incisions and minimal downtime. I have found that when I add a procedure to remove fat and technology to tighten the skin, patients have the absolute best outcome with long-term results.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
You don’t have to live with sagging jowls or a ski slope profile. You have an option and we can help make all of your aesthetic dreams come true. We have offices conveniently located in Noblesville, IN, Shelbyville, IN, Danville, IL, Healdsburg, CA, and Ukiah, CA, and our experts are ready to help develop a treatment plan that will give you amazing results. Contact us today at Zormeier Cosmetic Surgery & Longevity Center to schedule your consultation. We are available at zormeiercosmeticsurgery.com and by phone at 317-699-8848 in Indiana and Illinois and 707-600-3263 in California.