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Discover How Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment Works

If you have gotten a tattoo that you now regret, you are not alone. Tattoos are a fun way of expressing yourself, but sometimes things change. Up to 25% of people with tattoos actually express some regret about them. Luckily, tattoos are not as permanent as they used to be. Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective way to get rid of ink that is no longer wanted.

How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

When you get a tattoo, ink particles are embedded underneath your skin. When this happens, your body immediately tries to rid itself of these particles. The problem is that they are too big for your white blood cells to flush out. Your white blood cells never give up, however, which is why most tattoos fade over time.

When you have laser tattoo removal done, laser energy is used to help your body break down and flush out the ink particles. Ultra short laser pulses are perfect for this. Although it may be tempting to try this at home, your average laser is not nearly powerful enough to work.

The first step in the process is to come in for a consultation. Your tattoo will be examined so that a treatment plan can be created. The size and number of colors in the tattoo will determine how long the process will be. How long you have had the tattoo can also be a factor. Black tattoos are easier to remove because they will absorb all wavelengths of the laser energy. For tattoos with lots of colors, different adapters will have to be changed out to ensure the treatment is effective. In the past, it was believed that certain colors could not be removed, but this is no longer the case.

Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment Process

Most people will need multiple sessions to reach their goals. The great thing about laser tattoo removal is that it is almost always effective. Even if it cannot completely remove the ink in question, it can usually fade it to the point that it is difficult to see.

Patience is the key with laser tattoo removal. It is very unlikely that you will see much improvement after just one session. You also need to be prepared to wait some time in between appointments. This is so that your body has time to flush out any ink particles that it can.

Ready to say goodbye to that tattoo you have been regretting? If so, feel free to visit Zormeier Cosmetic Surgery and Longevity Center in one of our four locations in Noblesville, Danville, Shelbyville, and Healdsburg. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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