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Ditch the Double Chin with Kybella Injections

No one wants to have a double chin. When you have a double chin, the profile of your face takes on an older and unattractive appearance. The reason why having a double chin is so frustrating is that it is so easy to get. You put on a little extra weight, the effects of aging start to take their toll on your body, and then you have a double chin. Unfortunately, losing a double chin is not as easy as putting one on. That is about to change thanks to Kybella® injections.

What Is Kybella®?

Kybella® is a non-surgical treatment that is causing the cosmetic medical community to rethink the way that they treat a double chin. Prior to this non-surgical treatment, double chins were often addressed using surgical procedures like liposuction.

Liposuction was and still can be an effective way of treating a double chin. However, since it is a surgical procedure, it brings with it a number of risks that make many people think twice before opting to use this procedure. Since Kybella® injections are non-surgical, these risks do not exist.

With Kybella® injections, a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid is injected underneath the chin. These injections are placed in pinpointed areas that are determined by the doctor who is performing your treatment. This synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a compound that is naturally found in your body already, begins to attack the excess fat that you have in your chin. It causes the fat cells to burst. With time, the fatty content is gathered by the body’s lymphatic system and washed away.

What Should I Expect from the Treatment?

Kybella® is a minimally-invasive treatment. Most patients will receive between 30 and 50 injections per treatment. Patients usually begin to see results after their second or third treatment. Most will require six treatment sessions that are spaced about one month apart in order to see the full effects of the treatment.

During the initial consultation, our medical professionals will discuss with you what you should expect during your treatment. They will talk with you about the current appearance of your chin, and they will give you a realistic outlook on what you can expect during and after the treatments.

Would you like to learn for yourself how Kybella® injections can help you improve the appearance of your double chin and give you more confidence in the way you look? If so, feel free to visit Zormeier Cosmetic Surgery & Longevity Center. We are conveniently located in Noblesville, Danville, Shelbyville, and Healdsburg. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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